Lakeland Karate Children Classes
Anyone Willing To Work Hard Is A Winner At Lakeland Karate
Enroll Your Child Now
And See Immediate Results
It doesn't matter what age or grade your child is, or if you have a son or daughter.
It doesn't matter if they are brimming with self-confidence or shy and quiet.
It doesn't matter if they're star athletes or always in front of a screen.
The Great Thing about Karate is everyone participates, all the time.
There is no bench or second team.
No one is keeping score - there is no score.
As long as your child shows up, participates and tries hard everyone advances at their own pace - and everyone wins.
Lakeland Karate's family-oriented, supportive & inclusive atmosphere will be perfect for your child.
If you're searching for a sport and a dojo that builds confidence instead of winners or losers, Lakeland Karate is the perfect choice.
Tuesday: 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Wednesday: Advanced Class 6 - 7 PM
Thursday: 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Saturday: 10:30 - 11:20 AM
Lakeland Karate practices a whole-mind, whole-body teaching philosophy that engrains in our students qualities like focus, discipline, dedication and respect - qualities which are easily transferred to the home, classroom and other social situations.
At Lakeland Karate we run a tight ship: strict but fair, hard-working but fun. Your child will soon learn that they'll get out what they put in; there are no automatic advancments at Lakeland Karate.
Unlike some other karate schools we won't make outrageous claims that our dojo will change your child's life. Only you can do that.
Your child will know what is expected of him, be rewarded for his hard work and will always be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect.
That's what you can expect from us,
and that is what we expect of your child.

Weight gain and lack of exercise isn't just an adult problem anymore.
If your child is pending too much time inside staring at a screen or playing video games, karate is the perfect antidote.

Lakeland Karate has a children program designed to be fun.
A mix of sparring and games make learning and
physical fitness seem like,
well child's play!​
Your child will literally get a jump on becoming physically fit
while learning valuable
self-defense and
anti-bullying techniques.

Remember as long as your child participates and tries their best there are no losers at Lakeland Karate, only winners: the children and you, their parents.